Relations between IT Architecture and Information Quality in DW and BI Environments
The organizations are investing more in information technology to collect, store and process vast amounts of information. Generally this information has no standard and repeated data, which hinders the decision making process. The cause of the difficulties is related to Information Quality (IQ) that has technical characteristics related to the architecture used in Data Warehouse (DW) and Business Intelligence (BI) environments. Based on the existing literature and insights from the author a research model was created to identify the relations between components of DW/BI architecture and IQ dimensions. We used the case study as research method. This research makes contributions to better understand IT architecture for DW/BI.
Relations, Architecture and Information, BI Environments
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Ariyachandra, T. and Watson, H. (2010). Key organizational factors in DW architecture selection, Decision Support Systems (DSS), v.49, n.2, p.200-212, May.
Arouck, O. (2011). Atributos de qualidade da informação. Dissertação – UNB, Brasília.
Cappiello, C. et al. (2008) “Enabling Better Decisions through Quality-Aware Reports in BI Applications”. In Proceedings of the 13th ICIQ, MIT Press, Boston, MA, USA.
DeLone, W.H. and McLean, E.R. (1992). "Information Systems Success: The Quest for the Dependent Variable," Information Systems Research (3:1), pp 60-95,
Eisenhardt K. M. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. Academy of Management Review, v. 14, n 4, p. 532-550.
Graham, S. (1996). The Foundations of Wisdom: A Study of the Financial Impact of DW, International Data Corporation, Toronto.
Hsing, C. W. and Souza, C. A. (2011). Influências Institucionais e Estratégicas em Decisões de Arquitetura de TI: Estudo de Casos Comparados em Empresas Brasileiras. In: ENADI 2011 - III Encontro de Administração da Informação.
Inmon, W.H. (1996). Building the DW, 2nd ed, John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York.
Inmon, W. H. (2005). Building the DW. 4th ed, Wiley, New York.
Jarke, M. and Vassiliou, Y. (1997). Foundations of Data Warehouse Quality.Esprit.
Jarke, M., Jeusfeld, M. A., Quix, C. And Vassiliadis, P. (1999).Architecture and Quality in DW: An Extended Repository Approach. Inf. Syst. 24(3): 229-253.
Kimball, R. (1996). The DW Toolkit, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York.
Kimball, R. and Ross, M. (2002). The DW Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling, 2nd edition, Wiley, New York.
Kimball, R. and Caserta, J. (2004). The DW ETL Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Extracting, Cleaning, Conforming, and Delivering Data. Wiley Publishing Inc.
Madnick, S. E et al. (2009) Overview and Frame work for Data and IQ Research, ACM Journal of Data and IQ, v.1, n.1, Article 2.
Moss, L. T and Shaku, A. (2003) BI Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision-Support Applications Addison Wesley.
Pipino, L., Lee, Y., and Wang, R. (2002). Data Quality Assessment. Communications of the ACM (CACM), 45(4). New York, NY, USA.
Ross, J. W. (2003). Creating a Strategic IT Architecture Competency: Learning in Stages. MIS Quarterly Executive.
Selltiz; J. and Deutsch, C. (1975). Métodos de Pesquisa nas Relações Sociais. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo.
Sen, A. and Sinha, A. P. (2007). Toward developing DW process standards: an ontology-based review of existing methodologies,IEEE, Man and Cybernetics 37 (1).
Sen, A. and Sinha, A. P.(2007a). A comparison of DW methodologies.CACM, p.79–84.
Simoes, D. (2010). Conceptual Framework for the Construction and Evaluation of DW, ,UA, Aveiro, Portugal.
Silvers, F. (2008) Building and Maintaining a DW, Auerbach.
Spewak, K. and Steven H. (1992). ERP, Developing a Blueprint for Data, Applications and Technology. NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Strong, D. M. and Lee, Y. W. (1997). Data Quality in Context. CACM, May,v.40
Wand, Y. and Wang, R. Y. (1996). Anchoring DQ dimensions in ontological foundations. CACM, v. 39, n. 11, p. 86-95.
Wang, R. Y. et al. (1998). Manage your information as a product. Sloan Management Review, v. 39, n. 4, p. 95-106, Summer.
Wang, R. Y. et al.(1995).Toward DQ:An attribute-based approach.DSS,v.13,p.349-372.
Wixom, B. B. H. and Watson, H. J. (2001). Research Article an Empirical Investigation of the Affecting DW Success. MIS Quarterly, v. 25, n. 1, p. 17-41.
Yin, R. K. (2005). Estudo de caso planejamento e métodos. Porto Alegre: Bookman.
Como Citar
SCHMIDT, Samuel Otero; PRADO, Edmir P. Vasques; TAKAOKA, Hiroo.
Relations between IT Architecture and Information Quality in DW and BI Environments. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (SBSI), 8. , 2012, São Paulo.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 308-319.