Argumentation-Based Risk Management

  • Fabrício S. Severo UFSM
  • Ruan C. B. Pozzebon UFSM
  • Lisandra M. Fontoura UFSM
  • Luís A. L. Silva UFSM


Collaborative risk management is a fundamental task in project management. This paper discusses a new collaborative approach to risk management which is grounded on the integration of dialogue games and argument schemes from argumentation research. In particular, we propose a new dialogue game to organize risk discussions, and the exploitation of typical argument schemes for risk management on the collection of more complete arguments. A new collaborative Risk Discussion System is discussed and evaluated, where its environment is capable of structuring and recording risk discussions in a project management memory.


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SEVERO, Fabrício S.; POZZEBON, Ruan C. B.; FONTOURA, Lisandra M.; SILVA, Luís A. L.. Argumentation-Based Risk Management. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (SBSI), 9. , 2013, João Pessoa. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2013 . p. 851-862. DOI: