Educational Podcast for computer and computing teaching IFG-CAST


This article describes the experience of a teaching project carried out at a professional and technological education institution with the creation of a podcast on issues related to the bachelor's course in information systems. The objective of the project was to create 25 episodes with subjects that covered everything from computer networks, distributed systems, algorithms to the development of systems for the web. Four scholarship students created 25 scripts to record the episodes, of which 7 (seven) have been recorded and published so far.
Keywords: podcast, education, ead


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GERALDES, Wendell Bento; AFONSECA, Ulisses Rodrigues. Educational Podcast for computer and computing teaching IFG-CAST. In: INFORMATION SYSTEMS EDUCATION FORUM - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS (SBSI), 17. , 2021, On-line. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 189-192. DOI: