TATU: an Approach for Supporting Tourists with Disabilities to Indoor and Outdoor Navigation using Mobile Devices

  • Fábio J. Coutinho UFAL http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9892-023X
  • Dayvson Sales UFAL
  • Wagner Fontes UFAL
  • Samuel Lucas V. L. Barbosa UFAL
  • Victor Accete UFAL
  • John Davi D. C. Pires UFAL
  • Rebeca de Jesus Brandão UFAL
  • André Luiz de O. Cezário UFAL


People with disabilities living in Brazil face great difficulties in the tasks of daily life mainly due to the lack of accessibility in public spaces, products and services. In this context, we noticed a lack of a computing tool that embraces both people with visual and hearing impairment. This work presents TATU -- a mobile application for both Android and iOS platforms aimed at supporting people with visual or hearing impairment to enjoy Brazilian tourist attractions, including both open-air and indoor spaces. TATU application has an adaptive interface exclusively designed for each of the impairment user profiles, it can work on guided tour mode by indoor navigation using BLE beacons and outdoor navigation using GPS. Our solution was evaluated by three experiments, one of which was carried out with blind volunteers and TATU application obtained satisfactory results for both spacious attractions with the lowest density of collection items and for the smallest spaces.
Palavras-chave: mobile development, visual and hearing impairment, usability, Libras, museum tour for blind people


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COUTINHO, Fábio J.; SALES, Dayvson; FONTES, Wagner; BARBOSA, Samuel Lucas V. L.; ACCETE, Victor; PIRES, John Davi D. C.; BRANDÃO, Rebeca de Jesus; CEZÁRIO, André Luiz de O.. TATU: an Approach for Supporting Tourists with Disabilities to Indoor and Outdoor Navigation using Mobile Devices. In: SEMINÁRIO INTEGRADO DE SOFTWARE E HARDWARE (SEMISH), 48. , 2021, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 69-79. ISSN 2595-6205. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/semish.2021.15808.