Cross-Media Sentiment Analysis on German Blogs
Social interactions have changed in recent years. People post their thoughts, opinions and feelings on social media platforms more often. Due to the increase in the amount of data on the internet, it is impracticable to carry out the sentiment analysis manually, requiring automation of the process. In this work, we present the corpus Cross-Media German Blog (CGB) which consists of German blogs with feelings in the domain of images, texts and posts (Ground Truth), classified according to human perceptions. We apply existing Machine Learning technologies and lexicons to the corpus to detect the feelings (negative, neutral or positive) of the images and texts and compare the results with the GT. We examined contradictory posts, when the image and text classified by humans in the same post had diverging feelings. The comparison of this article with the analysis of sentiment among the media of Brazilian blogs finds its justification for performance results in cultural differences, since, throughout this work, Brazil is classified as indulgent and Germany as a restrained country.
cross-media sentiment analysis, corpus, emotions in images and texts, cultural differences
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Tymann, K., Lutz, M., Palsbr ̈oker, P., and Gips, C. (2019). Gervader-a german adaptationof the vader sentiment analysis tool for social media texts. InLWDA, pages 178–189
Vadicamo, L., Carrara, F., Cimino, A., Cresci, S., Dell’Orletta, F., Falchi, F., and Tesconi,M. (2017). Cross-media learning for image sentiment analysis in the wild. In2017IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), pages 308–317
Vinodhini, G. and Chandrasekaran, R. (2012). Sentiment analysis and opinion mining: asurvey.International Journal, 2(6):282–292
Waltinger, U. (2010). Germanpolarityclues: A lexical resource for german sentimentanalysis. InLREC, pages 1638–1642
Wartena, C. (2019). A probabilistic morphology model for german lemmatization
Zadeh, A., Chen, M., Poria, S., Cambria, E., and Morency, L.-P. (2017). Tensor fusionnetwork for multimodal sentiment analysis.arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.07250
Como Citar
ZAHN, Nina N.; DAL MOLIN, Greice P.; MUSSE, Soraia R..
Cross-Media Sentiment Analysis on German Blogs. In: SEMINÁRIO INTEGRADO DE SOFTWARE E HARDWARE (SEMISH), 48. , 2021, Evento Online.
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Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 114-122.
ISSN 2595-6205.