The 1st Workshop on Multisensory Experiences is part of the IMX 2021 - ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences. This one-day workshop aims at identifying the current practices, challenges, opportunities, and limitations to be overcome in the quest to transcend the overwhelmingly bisensorial nature of digital multimedia into a multisensory one by fostering discussions on the use of olfactory, gustatory, and tactile effects in digital experiences.
Topics of Interest
SensoryX topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Multisensory Experiences QoE evaluation (subjective, objective, online vs offline)
- Human Factors (including user modeling) in Multisensory Experiences
- Application areas for Multisensory Experiences (Health, Education, Arts, Tourism, e-Commerce, etc.)
- Multisensory Experiences Standardization
- Multisensory Experiences in Augmented and Virtual Reality
- Cross-layer Mulsemedia design for Multisensory Experiences
- Multisensory Experiences datasets/databases
Additional information
You can find more information about SensoryX by visiting the event's website.