SensoryX ’21 Workshop on Multisensory Experiences at ACM IMX ’21


Multisensory experiences have been increasingly undertaken in the digital world. With the emerging interest in immersive applications (i.e. 360 videos and virtual reality), more and more researchers and practitioners are in pursuit of ways to take these experiences to the next level, adding sensations that go beyond that of seeing and hearing. This one-day workshop aims at identifying the current practices, challenges, opportunities, and limitations to be overcome in the quest to transcend the overwhelmingly bisensorial nature of digital multimedia into a multisensory one by fostering discussions on the use of olfactory, gustatory and tactile effects in digital experiences.
Keywords: Multisensory experiences, Mulsemedia, Sensory effects, Immersive media


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COVACI, Alexandra; SALEME, Estêvão Bissoli; GHINEA, Gheorghita. SensoryX ’21 Workshop on Multisensory Experiences at ACM IMX ’21 . In: WORKSHOP ON MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCES (SENSORYX), 1. , 2021, New York. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . DOI: