Predicting the colour associated with odours using an electronic nose

  • Ryan Ward Univeristy of Liverpool
  • Shammi Rahman University of Liverpool
  • Sophie Wuerger University of Liverpool
  • Alan Marshall University of Liverpool


Predicting olfactory perception with an electronic nose can aid in the design and evaluation of olfactory-based experiences. We investigate whether the human perception of odours can be predicted outside the bounds of perceived pleasantness and semantic descriptors. We tuned an electronic nose to predict an odour's colour in the CIELAB colour space using human judgements. This revealed that the crossmodal associations people have towards colours could be predicted. Our electronic nose system can predict an odour's colour with a 70 – 81% machine-human similarity rating. These findings suggest a systematic and predictable link exists between the chemical features of odours and the colour associated to them. These findings highlight the possibilities of predicting human olfactory perception using an electronic nose.
Keywords: Electronic Nose, Odours, Odour Perception, Regression, Predicting Colours, CIELAB


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WARD, Ryan; RAHMAN, Shammi; WUERGER, Sophie; MARSHALL, Alan. Predicting the colour associated with odours using an electronic nose . In: WORKSHOP ON MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCES (SENSORYX), 1. , 2021, New York. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . DOI: