Exploring Crossmodal Interaction of Tactile and Visual Cues on Temperature Perception in Virtual Reality: a Preliminary Study

  • Clémentine Helfenstein-Didier Univ. Lyon
  • Amira Dhouib National Engineering School of Saint-Etienne (ENISE)
  • Florent Favre National Engineering School of Saint-Etienne (ENISE)
  • Jonathan Pascal National Engineering School of Saint-Etienne (ENISE)
  • Patrick Baert National Engineering School of Saint-Etienne (ENISE)


Thanks to the digital revolution, virtual reality (VR) has getting popularity due to its capacity to immerse users into virtual environments (VEs). VEs are typically limited to visual and auditory cues; however, recent results show that multiple sensory modalities increase the user’s immersion. In this study, an experimental protocol is proposed to recreate multiple tactile, in particular thermal, sensations in VR. The aim is twofold: (1) studying the performance of different devices for creating warm and cold sensations with regards to their efficiency and acoustic disturbance; and (2) investigating the interdependency between visual and tactile stimuli in the perception of temperature. 14 participants performed two experimental studies. Our results show no acoustic disturbance of the materials used. Spot projector is more efficient than fan heater to create a warm sensation; fan + water spray is more efficient than fan alone to create cold sensation. Moreover, no significant contribution of visual cue on the thermal perception was found except for the extremely cold simulation (snow visualization and thermal stimulation performed with fan + water spray).
Keywords: Virtual environment, Thermal sensation, Virtual reality


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HELFENSTEIN-DIDIER, Clémentine; DHOUIB, Amira; FAVRE, Florent; PASCAL, Jonathan; BAERT, Patrick. Exploring Crossmodal Interaction of Tactile and Visual Cues on Temperature Perception in Virtual Reality: a Preliminary Study . In: WORKSHOP ON MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCES (SENSORYX), 1. , 2021, New York. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sensoryx.2021.15684.