Applying remote health monitoring to understand users’ QoE in multisensory applications in real-time

  • Jordano R. Celestrini Federal University of Espírito Santo
  • Estêvão B. Saleme Federal Institute of Espírito Santo
  • Niall Murray Athlone Institute of Technology
  • Rodrigo V. Andreão Federal Institute of Espirito Santo
  • Celso A. S. Santos Federal University of Espírito Santo


User’s Quality of Experience (QoE) understanding from objective metrics has been increasingly explored in multisensory research. However, capturing physiological data adds a degree of difculty to an already complex environment composed of software to reproduce content and actuators to deliver sensory effects. In this paper, we introduce the potential use of remote patient monitoring (RPM) systems to monitor users’ QoE through a specifc tool named HealthDash. We aim to raise discussion around them in digital multisensory experiences, their application, advantages and disadvantages, and challenges and opportunities.
Keywords: IoT, multisensory, user monitoring, health sensors


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CELESTRINI, Jordano R.; SALEME, Estêvão B.; MURRAY, Niall; ANDREÃO, Rodrigo V.; SANTOS, Celso A. S.. Applying remote health monitoring to understand users’ QoE in multisensory applications in real-time . In: WORKSHOP ON MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCES (SENSORYX), 1. , 2021, New York. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . DOI: