Using Multisensory Technologies to Stimulate People: a Reflexive Paper on Scenagrams

  • Céline Jost Paris 8 University
  • Brigitte Le Pévédic South Brittany University
  • Gérard Uzan Paris 8 University


This paper aims at discussing the interest to use multisensory technologies for humans cognition training. First it introduces multisensory interactions making a focus on advancement in two fields: Human-Computer Interaction and mulsemedia. Second, it presents two different multisensory systems resulting from Robadom and StimSense projects that could be adapted for the community. Then, this paper defines the concept of scenagram and gives its application scopes, boundaries and use cases, offering a first classification of this new concept.
Keywords: multisensory interaction, multisensory systems, cognition, user experience, use cases, scenagram


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JOST, Céline; LE PÉVÉDIC, Brigitte; UZAN, Gérard. Using Multisensory Technologies to Stimulate People: a Reflexive Paper on Scenagrams . In: WORKSHOP ON MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCES (SENSORYX), 1. , 2021, New York. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . DOI: