AMUSEVR: A Virtual Reality Authoring Environment for Immersive Mulsemedia Applications

  • Flavio Miranda de Farias UFF
  • Douglas Paulo de Mattos UFF
  • Débora C. Muchaluat-Saade UFF


To meet the demand for mulsemedia (multiple sensorial media) content production, numerous tools exist, among which many present the currently typical approach providing 2D content organized in timelines. However, when it comes to 360° content where 3D spatial positioning is necessary, neither consensus on authoring methodology nor widely-adopted approaches to design exist. In order to fulfll this gap, we propose AMUSEVR, a virtual-reality environment for mulsemedia application development. In addition to supporting various media and sensory effect types, AMUSEVR allows authors to create and visualize content dynamically using VR technology. We evaluated AMUSEVR with an authoring experiment with users, using UEQ questionnaires, and obtained promising results.
Keywords: 360° authoring, VR environment, mulsemedia, event-based relations


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DE FARIAS, Flavio Miranda; DE MATTOS, Douglas Paulo; MUCHALUAT-SAADE, Débora C.. AMUSEVR: A Virtual Reality Authoring Environment for Immersive Mulsemedia Applications . In: WORKSHOP ON MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCES (SENSORYX), 1. , 2021, New York. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . DOI: