SensoryX ’22 Workshop on Multisensory Experiences at ACM IMX ’22

  • Alexandra Covaci University of Kent
  • Estevão Bissoli Saleme IFES
  • Celine Jost Paris 8 University
  • Joel dos Santos CEFET/RJ
  • Gheorghita Ghinea Brunel University London


Our interactions with the world are multisensory in nature - the senses move us through spaces, mix with our memories and are constantly connected by our brains. Focused only on vision for a long time, the field of human computer interaction (HCI) started to meaningfully bring together all our senses in designing interactions for a variety of media. With this workshop, we look at different aspects of multisensory design - from authoring tools to the evaluation of multisensory experiences with the aim of identifying the current challenges and opportunities of mulsemedia.
Keywords: Multisensory experiences, Mulsemedia, Sensory effects, Immersive media


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G. A. Mesfin, N. Hussain, E. Kani-Zabihi, A. Covaci, E. B. Saleme, and G. Ghinea. 2019. QoE of Cross-modally Mapped Mulsemedia: an Assessment Using Eye Gaze and Heart Rate. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019), 21 pages.

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COVACI, Alexandra; SALEME, Estevão Bissoli; JOST, Celine; DOS SANTOS, Joel; GHINEA, Gheorghita. SensoryX ’22 Workshop on Multisensory Experiences at ACM IMX ’22. In: WORKSHOP ON MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCES (SENSORYX), 2. , 2022, Aveiro. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . DOI: