How to integrate interactions into video editing software?

  • Céline Jost Paris 8 University
  • Brigitte Le Pévédic Southern Brittany University


This paper explores an idea to enrich existing mulsemedia editing software, getting inspiration from music scores, to have them integrate actions coming from the viewer while editing a mulsemedia. In this paper, we reflect on the possibility to do it with a unique timeline. Thus, we propose to completely change the point of view. Instead of trying to insert the interaction in the timeline, we propose to cut the media into several parts and insert them into the interaction.
Keywords: interaction, interactive mulsemedia, media editing software, scenagram


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JOST, Céline; LE PÉVÉDIC, Brigitte. How to integrate interactions into video editing software?. In: WORKSHOP ON MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCES (SENSORYX), 2. , 2022, Aveiro. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . DOI: