Regularized Kelvinlet Inversion for Real-Time Image Deformation and Video Time Warping

  • Guilherme Gomes Haetinger UFRGS
  • Eduardo S. L. Gastal UFRGS


We present a novel approach for image deformation and video time warping. Our technique involves the inversion of the nonlinear regularized Kelvinlet equations, leading to higher-quality results and time/space efficiency compared to naive solutions. Inversion is performed by a per-pixel optimization process, being inherently parallel and achieving real-time performance in Full HD videos (over 300 fps). We demonstrate our method on a variety of images and videos, in addition to discussing some important technical and theoretical details.
Palavras-chave: image warping, video retiming, time warp, image and video processing, interpolation
HAETINGER, Guilherme Gomes; GASTAL, Eduardo S. L.. Regularized Kelvinlet Inversion for Real-Time Image Deformation and Video Time Warping. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 33. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 65-72.