A New Grammar for Creating Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Medical Image Classification

  • Cleber A. C. F. da Silva UFRPE
  • Péricles B. C. Miranda UFRPE
  • Filipe R. Cordeiro UFRPE


In the last decade, the adoption of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has been successfully applied to solve computer vision tasks, such as image classification in the medical field. However, the several architectures proposed in the literature are composed of an increasing number of parameters and complexity. Therefore, finding the optimal trade-off between accuracy and model complexity for a given data set is challenging. To help the search for these suitable configurations, this work proposes using a new Context-Free Grammar associated with a Multi-Objective Grammatical Evolution Algorithm that generates suitable CNNs for a given image classification problem. In this structure, the new grammar maps every possible search space for the creation of networks. Furthermore, the Multi- Objective Grammatical Evolution Algorithm used optimizes this search taking into account two objective functions: accuracy and F1-score. Our proposal was used in three medical image datasets from MedMNIST: PathMNIST, OCTMNIST, and OrganMNIST_Axial. The results showed that our method generated simpler networks with equal or superior performance from state-of-the-art (more complex) networks and others CNNs also generated by grammatical evolution process.
Palavras-chave: Search problems, Grammar, Complexity theory, Classification algorithms, Convolutional neural networks, Proposals, Task analysis, Grammatical Evolution, Deep Neural Networks, Multi-Objective Optimization
SILVA, Cleber A. C. F. da; MIRANDA, Péricles B. C.; CORDEIRO, Filipe R.. A New Grammar for Creating Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Medical Image Classification. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 34. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 .