PTL-AI Furnas Dataset: A Public Dataset for Fault Detection in Power Transmission Lines Using Aerial Images

  • Frederico Santos de Oliveira UFMT
  • Marcelo de Carvalho Eletrobras-Furnas
  • Pedro Henrique Tancredo Campos Eletrobras-Furnas
  • Anderson Da Silva Soares UFG
  • Arnaldo Cândido Júnior UNESP
  • Ana Cláudia Rodrigues Da Silva Quirino Eletrobras-Furnas


We present a new images dataset called PTL-AI Furnas Dataset as a new benchmark for fault detection in power transmission lines. This dataset has 6,295 images, with resolution 1280 x 720, extracted from the maintenance process of the energy transmission lines at Furnas company. It contains annotations of 17,808 components classified as baliser, bird nest, insulator, spacer and stockbridge. Furnas is a company that generates or transmits electricity to 51% of households in Brazil and more than 40% of the nation’s electricity passes through their grid enabling generating the dataset in different backgrounds and climatic conditions. We performed experiments using data augmentation techniques to train Faster R-CNN, Single-Shot Detects (SSD) and YoloV5 models. The benchmark result was obtained using the metrics of Mean Average Precision (mAP) and the Mean Average Recall (mAR) with values mAP=91.9% and mAR=89.7%. The PTL-AI Furnas Dataset is publicly available at

Palavras-chave: Performance evaluation, Power transmission lines, Transmission line matrix methods, Fault detection, Power transmission, Companies, Benchmark testing
OLIVEIRA, Frederico Santos de; CARVALHO, Marcelo de; CAMPOS, Pedro Henrique Tancredo; SOARES, Anderson Da Silva; CÂNDIDO JÚNIOR, Arnaldo; QUIRINO, Ana Cláudia Rodrigues Da Silva . PTL-AI Furnas Dataset: A Public Dataset for Fault Detection in Power Transmission Lines Using Aerial Images. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 35. , 2022, Natal/RN. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 .