High-Level Grammars for Visualization and Visual Analytics

  • Gustavo Moreira University of Illinois
  • Marcos Lage UFF
  • Nivan Ferreira UFPE
  • Fabio Miranda University of Illinois


The increase in data availability and the popularization of data science brought a continuously growing need to use visualizations to explore complex data. Creating new visualizations, however, is a difficult task that often requires extensive programming expertise. High-level grammars for authoring visualizations provide a systematic and flexible way to specify visualizations in a declarative manner, lowering the entry barrier for data analysis. Such grammars effectively assist in the exploration of the visualization design space and of complex datasets. The goal of this tutorial paper is to then provide a summary of recently proposed grammars, so that a broad audience (e.g., students, researchers, practitioners) can better understand how they are designed and used in practice for visualization and visual analytics tasks.
MOREIRA, Gustavo; LAGE, Marcos; FERREIRA, Nivan; MIRANDA, Fabio. High-Level Grammars for Visualization and Visual Analytics. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 36. , 2023, Rio Grande/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 270-275.