Toward Unlabeled Multi-View 3D Pedestrian Detection by Generalizable AI: Techniques and Performance Analysis

  • João Paulo Lima UFRPE / UFPE
  • Diego Thomas Kyushu University
  • Hideaki Uchiyama NARA Institute of Science and Technology
  • Veronica Teichrieb UFPE


We unveil how generalizable AI can be used to improve multi-view 3D pedestrian detection in unlabeled target scenes. One way to increase generalization to new scenes is to automatically label target data, which can then be used for training a detector model. In this context, we investigate two approaches for automatically labeling target data: pseudo-labeling using a supervised detector and automatic labeling using an untrained detector (that can be applied out of the box without any training). We adopt a training framework for optimizing detector models using automatic labeling procedures. This frame-work encompasses different training sets/modes and multi-round automatic labeling strategies. We conduct our analyses on the publicly-available WILDTRACK and MultiviewX datasets. We show that, by using the automatic labeling approach based on an untrained detector, we can obtain superior results than directly using the untrained detector or a detector trained with an existing labeled source dataset. It achieved a MODA about 4% and 1 % better than the best existing unlabeled method when using WILDTRACK and MultiviewX as target datasets, respectively.
LIMA, João Paulo; THOMAS, Diego; UCHIYAMA, Hideaki; TEICHRIEB, Veronica. Toward Unlabeled Multi-View 3D Pedestrian Detection by Generalizable AI: Techniques and Performance Analysis. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 36. , 2023, Rio Grande/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 121-126.