Cell Classification Based on Superpixel Segmentation and Transport-Based Morphometry
The immunohistochemistry examination is extremely important for identifying antigens in the confirmatory assessment of a patient's diagnosis and prognosis. To successfully perform this task, it is essential to identify specific cells in a given tissue sample correctly. However, carrying out this process manually by a healthcare professional is costly and can lead to errors that affect the patient's health. Thus, for analyzing immunohistochemistry medical images, this work proposes a method based on superpixel segmentation and transport-based morphometry composed by (i) superpixel generation; (ii) color filtering; (iii) cell segmentation; and (iv) transport-based classification. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in the literature for cell classification, needing only 10 positive and 10 negative cell samples to be trained.
Graphics, Image segmentation, Antigens, Image color analysis, Filtering, Medical diagnosis, Prognostics and health management, Medical diagnostic imaging, Immune system
Como Citar
LOPES, Gustavo et al.
Cell Classification Based on Superpixel Segmentation and Transport-Based Morphometry. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 37. , 2024, Manaus/AM.
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Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,