LiwTERM: A Lightweight Transformer-Based Model for Dermatological Multimodal Lesion Detection
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world, accounting for approximately 30% of all diagnosed tumors. Early diagnosis reduces mortality rates and prevents disfiguring effects in different body regions. In recent years, machine learning techniques, particularly deep learning, have shown promising results in this task, presenting studies that have demonstrated that combining a patient's clinical information with images of the lesion is crucial for improving the classification of skin lesions. Despite that, meaningful use of clinical information with multiple images is mandatory, requiring further investigation. Thus, this project aims to contribute to developing multimodal machine learning-based models to cope with the skin lesion classification task employing a lightweight transformer model. As a main hypothesis, models can take multiple images from different sources as input, along with clinical information from the patient's history, leading to a more reliable diagnosis. Our model deals with the not-trivial task of combining images and clinical information (from anamneses) concerning the skin lesions in a lightweight transformer architecture that does not demand high computation resources but still presents competitive classification results.
Graphics, Computational modeling, Computer architecture, Transformers, Skin, Lesions, Clinical diagnosis, Reliability, History, Skin cancer, Deep learning, Skin Lesion Detection, Lightweight Architectures
Como Citar
SOUZA, Luis A.; PACHECO, André G. C.; ANGELO, Gabriel G. de; OLIVEIRA-SANTOS, Thiago; PALM, Christoph; PAPA, João P..
LiwTERM: A Lightweight Transformer-Based Model for Dermatological Multimodal Lesion Detection. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 37. , 2024, Manaus/AM.
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Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,