Long-Range Decoder Skip Connections: Exploiting Multi-Context Information for Cardiac Image Segmentation

  • Nicolas Gutierrez San Pablo Catholic University
  • Ricardo da Silva Torres University of Campinas
  • Alexandre Xavier Falcao University of Campinas
  • Sebastian Kozerke ETH Zurich
  • Jürg Schwitter Lausanne University
  • Pier-Giorgio Masci King's College London
  • Javier Montoya ETH Zurich


Heart is one of the most important organs inour body and many critical diseases are associated with itsmalfunctioning. To assess heart conditions, Magnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI) has become the golden standard imaging technique, as it provides to the clinicians stacks of 2D images of theheart. The problem is that examination of these stacks of 2D data,often based on the delineation of heart structures, is tedious anderror prone due to inter and intra variability. For this reason,the investigation of fully automated methods to support heartsegmentation is of paramount importance. Most of the successfulproposed methods to this problem are based on deep-learningsolutions. Especially, the U-net has been demonstrated to be avery effective architecture. In this paper, we propose the usage oflong-range skip connections on the decoder in order to improvethe generalization of the models and also to add multi-contextinformation to refine segmentation results. We evaluate ourapproach in the ACDC and LVSC heart segmentation challenges.Performed experiments on both datasets demonstrate that ourapproach leads to an improvement between 2.0% − 3.3% on thetotal Dice for the segmentation of the heart, when combined withtwo state-of-the-art U-net-based approaches.

Palavras-chave: semantic image segmentation, deep learning, cardiac image analysis, biomedical imaging


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GUTIERREZ, Nicolas; TORRES, Ricardo da Silva ; FALCAO, Alexandre Xavier; KOZERKE, Sebastian; SCHWITTER, Jürg; MASCI, Pier-Giorgio; MONTOYA, Javier. Long-Range Decoder Skip Connections: Exploiting Multi-Context Information for Cardiac Image Segmentation. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 32. , 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sibgrapi.2019.9808.