BID Dataset: a challenge dataset for document processing tasks

  • Álysson de Sá Soares UPE
  • Ricardo Batista das Neves Junior UPE
  • Byron Leite Dantas Bezerra UPE


The digital relationship between companies and customers happens through online systems where consumers must upload their identification documents pictures to prove their identities. The existence of this large volume of document images encourages the research development to generate image processing systems to automate tasks usually performed by humans, such as Document Type Classification and Document Reading. The lack of identification documents public datasets delays the research development in document image processing because researchers need to attempt partnerships with private or governmental institutions to obtain the data or build their dataset. In this context, this work presents as main contributions a system to support the automatic creation of identification document public datasets and the Brazilian Identity Document Dataset (BID Dataset): the first Brazilian identification documents public dataset. To accomplish the current personal data privacy law, all information in the BID Dataset comes from fake data. This work aims to increase the velocity of research development in identification document image processing, considering that researchers will be able to use the BID Dataset to develop their research freely.


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SOARES, Álysson de Sá; DAS NEVES JUNIOR, Ricardo Batista ; BEZERRA, Byron Leite Dantas. BID Dataset: a challenge dataset for document processing tasks. In: WORKSHOP DE TRABALHOS EM ANDAMENTO - CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 33. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 143-146. DOI: