Evaluating Loss Functions for Illustration Super-Resolution Neural Networks


As display technologies evolve and high-resolution screens become more available, the desirability of images and videos with high perceptual quality grows in order to properly utilize such advances. At the same time, the market for illustrated mediums, such animations and comics, has been in steady growth over the past years. Based on these observations, we were motivated to explore the super-resolution task in the niche of drawings. In absence of original high-resolution imagery, it is necessary to use approximate methods, such as interpolation algorithms, to enhance low-resolution media. Such methods, however, can produce undesirable artifacts in the reconstruct images, such as blurring and edge distortions. Recent works have successfully applied deep learning to this task, but such efforts are often aimed at real-world images and do not take in account the specifics of illustrations, which emphasize lines and employ simplified patterns rather than complex textures, which in turn makes visual artifacts introduced by algorithms easier to spot. With these differences in mind, we evaluated the effects of the choice of loss functions in order to obtain accurate and perceptually pleasing results in the super-resolution task for comics, cartoons, and other illustrations. Experimental evaluations have shown that a loss function based on edge detection performs best in this context among the evaluated functions, though still showing room for further improvements.


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