Spider Species Classification Using Vision Transformers and Convolutional Neural Networks
Spiders often seek shelter in the heat and safety of homes and although most of them are harmless, some can represent a real danger. Since differentiating spider species can be a challenge for individuals without prior knowledge, having a method to identify them could be useful in order to avoid potentially venomous ones. To address this question, this project aimed to analyze and compare the performance of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and vision transformers (ViT) regarding the quantitative and qualitative performance in the task of classifying different species of spiders from their images. We utilized publicly available images consisting of 25 Brazilian spider species and around 25,000 images. We selected the models based on their metrics and generalization performance in this classification task. The preliminary results indicated that ConvNeXt emerged as the most proficient among the examined Convolutional Neural Networks, achieving a macro accuracy of 88.5%. As for the Vision Transformers, MaxViT surpassed its counterparts, registering a macro accuracy of 90.1%, and outperformed the models in a direct comparison of their performance metrics. These results may contribute to the development of applications aimed at identifying spiders and providing information of interest about the species.
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