A Parallel Approach of Simulated Annealing Using GPGPU to Solve the Quadratic Assignment Problem

  • Lucas Arakaki Takemoto UFMS
  • Bianca de Almeida Dantas UFMS
  • Henrique Mongelli UFMS


In the area of combinatorial optimization, the Quadratic Assignment Problem stands out due to its complexity and its range of applications. The main goal of this work, is to analyze the performance of Simulated Annealing when applied to the QAP. In an attempt to achieve better results, besides the sequential implementations, parallel strategies using GPUs have also been adopted.
Palavras-chave: Simulated annealing, Markov processes, Annealing, Graphics processing units, Layout, High performance computing, simulated annealing, quadratic assignment problem, parallel computing, GPGPU
TAKEMOTO, Lucas Arakaki; DANTAS, Bianca de Almeida; MONGELLI, Henrique. A Parallel Approach of Simulated Annealing Using GPGPU to Solve the Quadratic Assignment Problem. In: SIMPÓSIO EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS DE ALTO DESEMPENHO (SSCAD), 19. , 2018, São Paulo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . p. 23-29.