Meta-Analysis of Scientific Articles According to Statistical Criteria: A Case Study in WSCAD

  • Alessander Osorio UFPel
  • Marina Dias UFPel
  • Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro UFPel


This paper presents the systematization of the results of the metaanalysis of the publications of the 18 editions of the WSCAD according to the categories: statistics, metrics and tests. The goal is not to invalidate the results, but to alert to how they are described and presented.From a sample of 426 publications, 93 % referred at least one of the terms searched, showing that there is some care in the demonstration of results, even inadequate or incomplete given the low occurrence of only 3 % of statistical tests confirmed by a second sample of 30 articles. It is necessary not only to focus on the development of the research object itself, but also on the results demonstrations.
Palavras-chave: Analysis of variance, Bandwidth, Visualization, Integrated circuits, High performance computing, Measurement, Indexes, Performance results analysis, Research evaluation, Statistical analysis, Research methodology
OSORIO, Alessander; DIAS, Marina; CAVALHEIRO, Gerson Geraldo H.. Meta-Analysis of Scientific Articles According to Statistical Criteria: A Case Study in WSCAD. In: SIMPÓSIO EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS DE ALTO DESEMPENHO (SSCAD), 19. , 2018, São Paulo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . p. 124-129.