Analysis of Optimization Opportunities for Intel Xeon Phi and Intel Xeon Scalable Processors Environments of a Numerical Method for the Biphasic Flow of Fluids in Porous Media

  • Thiago Teixeira LNCC
  • Frederico Cabral LNCC
  • Carla Osthoff LNCC
  • Márcio Rentes Borges LNCC
  • Roberto Pinto Souto LNCC


This paper presents optimizations of a numerical method for the biphasic flow of fluids in porous media, for Intel R (cid:13) Xeon Scalable ProcessorsTM. Intel R (cid:13) Parallel Studios XE suite tools were used in the study of three method implementations (naive, EWS-Sync and RC). The EWSSync implementation consists of replacing the OpenMP barriers by an explicit thread synchronization mechanism. By avoiding barriers, by explicitly synchronizing threads waiting only for their adjacent ones in execution, the spin time was reduced. These implementations obtained a Speedup of 27x, compared to a serial execution, in multi-core and manycore architectures. (cid:13) Xeon Phi TM e Intel R
Palavras-chave: Three-dimensional displays, Computational modeling, Instruction sets, Optimization, Synchronization, Clocks, Media, optimizations, numerical method, Xeon Phi, Xeon Scalable Processors, Parallel Studios XE suite tools, OpenMP
TEIXEIRA, Thiago; CABRAL, Frederico; OSTHOFF, Carla; BORGES, Márcio Rentes; SOUTO, Roberto Pinto. Analysis of Optimization Opportunities for Intel Xeon Phi and Intel Xeon Scalable Processors Environments of a Numerical Method for the Biphasic Flow of Fluids in Porous Media. In: SIMPÓSIO EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS DE ALTO DESEMPENHO (SSCAD), 19. , 2018, São Paulo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . p. 237-242.