Parallel Implementations of the CSBP Stereo Vision Algorithm

  • Lucas Veronese UFES
  • Lauro J. Lyrio Junior UFES
  • Jorcy de Oliveira Neto UFES
  • Avelino Forechi UFES
  • Claudine Badue UFES
  • Alberto F. De Souza UFES


We developed two parallel versions of the Constant Space Belief Propagation algorithm (CSBP - one of the best stereo algorithms currently known) [1]: one in OpenMP and one in C+CUDA. For images with 640x480 pixels, the sequential version has a performance of 1.16 frames per second (FPS), the OpenMP parallel version has a performance of 3.7 FPS, while the C+CUDA version has a performance of 17.3 FPS in high-performance desktop machines. These results are important because they enable the implementation of autonomous vehicles with sensors like camera, which is one of the objectives of a PRONEX project being currently developed in LCADDI/ UFES. One of the goals of this project is to implement an autonomous vehicle from a commercial automobile.


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VERONESE, Lucas; LYRIO JUNIOR, Lauro J.; OLIVEIRA NETO, Jorcy de; FORECHI, Avelino; BADUE, Claudine; SOUZA, Alberto F. De. Parallel Implementations of the CSBP Stereo Vision Algorithm. In: SIMPÓSIO EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS DE ALTO DESEMPENHO (SSCAD), 12. , 2011, Vitória. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2011 . p. 89-96. DOI: