Ubiservices: A Connectivity Model to Ubiquitous Environments

  • Gustavo B. Brand Unisinos
  • Alex Garzão Unisinos
  • Jorge L. V. Barbosa Unisinos
  • Rafael Ávila Unisinos


With the fast evolution of the computing devices, its reduced size and cost, there is an immersion of people in the digital world. With the use of more technology, abundant and cheap, environments that can take advantage of the ubiquitous computing emerge, allowing its users to interact and have access to information easily, quickly and naturally. However, classic ubiquitous environments were defined needing a large installed infrastructure to work properly, something that is not a reality nowadays. This work presents an alternative to the classic ubiquitous environments: a model of services connectivity called Ubiservices, that focuses on providing connectivity to environments made up of unstructured Ad Hoc networks.
Palavras-chave: Logic gates, Hardware, Computational modeling, Personal digital assistants, Web services, Ubiquitous environments, peer to peer, Ad hoc, Ubiservices, Ubivm, Ubiquitous middlewares
BRAND, Gustavo B.; GARZÃO, Alex; BARBOSA, Jorge L. V.; ÁVILA, Rafael. Ubiservices: A Connectivity Model to Ubiquitous Environments. In: SIMPÓSIO EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS DE ALTO DESEMPENHO (SSCAD), 11. , 2010, Petrópolis. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2010 . p. 112-119.