Identification and Characterization of Memory Allocation Anomalies in High-Performance Computing Applications

  • Antonio Tadeu Gomes LNCC
  • Enzo Molion Polytech Grenoble
  • Roberto Pinto Souto LNCC
  • Jean François Méhaut University of Grenoble Alpes


A memory allocation anomaly occurs when the allocation of a set of heap blocks imposes an unnecessary overhead on the execution of an application. In this paper, we propose a method for identifying, locating, characterizing and fixing allocation anomalies, and a tool for developers to apply the method. We experiment our method and tool with a numerical simulator aimed at approximating the solutions to partial differential equations using a finite element method. We show that taming allocation anomalies in this simulator reduces the memory footprint of its processes by 37.27% and the execution time by 16.52%. We conclude that the developer of high-performance computing applications can benefit from the method and tool during the software development cycle.


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GOMES, Antonio Tadeu; MOLION, Enzo; SOUTO, Roberto Pinto; MÉHAUT, Jean François. Identification and Characterization of Memory Allocation Anomalies in High-Performance Computing Applications. In: SIMPÓSIO EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS DE ALTO DESEMPENHO (SSCAD), 20. , 2019, Campo Grande. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 1-12. DOI: