Estudo de viabilidade do uso de Raspberry PI na Névoa

  • Guilherme Silva Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Nelson Lago IME - USP
  • Gerson Geraldo Cavalheiro UFPel
  • Alfredo Goldman IME - USP


The need for reduced latencies in many applications, often to improve end-user usability, brought about the mist paradigm, which moves processing or preprocessing out of the cloud and closer to the data source. To address the requirements of low cost, low energy consumption, small size, and others that are common with this paradigm, an option is the use of low capacity, general purpose and widely available equipment. This work aims at investigating the Raspberry Pi 3 as a dispositive for mist applications, assessing its characteristics with the NDBench benchmark. Results of experiments with read/write operations in a NoSQL database indicate the Raspberry’s viability in scenarios with significant load (around up to 1.200 operations per second) while maintaining an average latency of 500ms. Such characteristics contemplate a vast amount of applications and suggest that the Raspberry Pi can be successfully used in mist and cloud environments.


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How to Cite
SILVA, Guilherme et al. Estudo de viabilidade do uso de Raspberry PI na Névoa. Proceedings of the Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (SSCAD), [S.l.], p. 204-215, nov. 2019. ISSN 0000-0000. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 may 2024. doi: