SAVIPS: Uma Infraestrutura Veicular Autônoma em Pequena Escala para ADAS


Traffic accidents are a leading cause of global mor tality, with 1.35 million fatalities and 50 million injuries annually, mainly due to human error, such as recklessness and alcohol use. This paper presents SAVIPS, a small-scale autonomous vehicle infrastructure to test Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), enabling the validation of safety features without the costs and risks of full-scale vehicle testing. The infrastructure integrates speed sensors, cameras, and communication modules for real-time evaluation. Despite limitations in results, such as 14-hour battery life and ±3 degrees lateral control accuracy, they validate component efficiency. Intra-vehicle communication used 0.309% of the CAN bus capacity, and inter-vehicle com munication showed high reliability, with one packet lost per 250 transmitted. These results highlight the potential of scaled models in advancing autonomous technologies and improving road safety.


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COELHO, Alexsandro; SILVA-FILHO, Abel G.. SAVIPS: Uma Infraestrutura Veicular Autônoma em Pequena Escala para ADAS. In: WORKSHOP LATINOAMERICANO DE DEPENDABILIDADE E SEGURANÇA EM SISTEMAS VEICULARES, 1. , 2024, Recife/PE. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 13-16. DOI: