Quati: A Brazilian Portuguese Information Retrieval Dataset from Native Speakers
We present Quati, a dataset specifically designed for evaluating Information Retrieval (IR) systems for the Brazilian Portuguese language. It comprises a collection of queries formulated by native speakers and a curated set of documents sourced from a selection of frequently accessed Brazilian Portuguese websites, which ensures a representative and relevant corpus. To label the query–document pairs, we use a state-of-the-art LLM, which shows inter-annotator agreement levels comparable to human performance in our assessments. Our annotation methodology is described, enabling the cost-effective creation of similar datasets for other languages, with an arbitrary number of labeled documents per query. As a baseline, we evaluate a diverse range of open-source and commercial retrievers. Quati is publicly available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/unicamp-dl/quati, and all scripts at https://github.com/unicamp-dl/quati.
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