Prosody, syntax, and pragmatics: insubordination in spoken Brazilian Portuguese

  • Giulia Bossaglia UFMG
  • Heliana Mello UFMG
  • Tommaso Raso UFMG


In this paper, we approach the phenomenon of insubordination in spoken Brazilian Portuguese through data on adverbial clauses extracted from the C-ORAL-BRASIL corpus [Raso and Mello 2012]. Differently from the traditional conception of insubordination [Evans 2007], we propose a synchronic view, strongly based on the analysis of the prosody/pragmatics interface in spoken language. We show that in spoken Brazilian Portuguese formally dependent syntactic structures can acquire pragmatic autonomy by virtue of specific prosodic patterns conveying certain informational values.

BOSSAGLIA, Giulia; MELLO, Heliana; RASO, Tommaso. Prosody, syntax, and pragmatics: insubordination in spoken Brazilian Portuguese. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO E DA LINGUAGEM HUMANA (STIL), 1. , 2017, Uberlândia/MG. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 256-265.