A Proposed Learning Content for Teaching Augmented Reality in a Classroom Setting

  • Neil Patrick Del Gallego De La Salle University


Augmented reality is an interactive experience wherein digital objects are placed on the physical environment. Augmented reality (AR) applications have gained popularity especially when smartphones gained capable camera sensors, gyroscope, and other sensors. However, there has been a lack of framework or recommendations on how to formally teach developing AR applications in a classroom setting. In this paper, we present a learning content, called ARVRDEV Courseware, that aims to teach undergraduate students how to develop augmented reality applications deployed on handheld devices. We carefully designed the lessons of the course, consistent with AR techniques from literature, and designed hands-on activities not typically presented in publicly available materials. A pilot run of the course was offered at De La Salle University, where a total of 76 undergraduate students took the course as an elective during their 4th year. We analyzed the effectiveness of the hands-on activities based on the assessment results of the students and discussed the outstanding projects developed by the students, which are observed to be inspired by the hands-on activities designed for the course.
Palavras-chave: augmented reality, computing education, course design, application
DEL GALLEGO, Neil Patrick. A Proposed Learning Content for Teaching Augmented Reality in a Classroom Setting. In: SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 22. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 21-28.