Manual PCB assembly using Augmented Reality towards Total Quality

  • Rudieri Dietrich Bauer UDESC
  • Salvador Sergi Agati UDESC
  • Marcelo da Silva Hounsell UDESC
  • Andre Tavares da Silva UDESC


Despite the fourth wave of industry automation, the so-called Industry 4.0, manual assembly still remains as an important step to many products and is responsible for employing a lot of workers. But manual assembly is prone to errors, is time consuming and boring. One of the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0, Augmented Reality (AR) plays a major role on helping manual assembly by providing on-demand guidance. The technology can also support monitoring features that are compliant to Total Quality Management (TQM) requirements which seeks to minimize errors and maximize quality. This paper reviews the research on using AR to aid manual assembly and presents requirements and the architecture design for an AR system applied to the context of manual assembly of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). Four device configurations and SDKs were evaluated to be applied in industrial processes of manual assembly of PCB. The paper explores particulars of the task, product and workers towards a novel AR system to fulfill high quality products expectation. It is shows that every assembly configuration has to be carefully assessed in order to achieve a proper system configuration.
Palavras-chave: Computer Graphics, Production Systems, System
BAUER, Rudieri Dietrich; AGATI, Salvador Sergi; HOUNSELL, Marcelo da Silva; DA SILVA, Andre Tavares. Manual PCB assembly using Augmented Reality towards Total Quality. In: SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 22. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 217-226.