Minimizing cybersickness in head-mounted display systems: causes and strategies review

  • Thiago Porcino UFF
  • Daniela Trevisan UFF
  • Esteban Clua UFF


The use of virtual reality has become popular in games and training applications because of the mass use of head-mounted displays for audiences in various segments (education, military, entertainment, and games). Despite such devices producing a high sense of immersion and presence, they also cause discomfort to users in the form of uncomfortable sensations called cybersickness (CS). In this work, we reviewed the literature on theories of discomfort manifestations usually attributed to virtual reality environments. Additionally, we reviewed existing strategies aimed at minimizing CS problems by dividing them into seven groups: locomotion, acceleration, a field of vision, depth of field, rotational movements, exposure time, and static rest frames. Our review facilitates researches to identify the causes for most discomfort situations in virtual reality environments
Palavras-chave: head mounted displays, cybersickness, causes, strategies
PORCINO, Thiago; TREVISAN, Daniela; CLUA, Esteban. Minimizing cybersickness in head-mounted display systems: causes and strategies review. In: SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 22. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 227-236.