Understanding VR Software Testing Needs from Stakeholders? Points of View

  • Stevão Andrade USP
  • Alvaro Joffre Quevedo Ontario Tech University
  • Fatima Nunes USP
  • Márcio Delamaro USP


Software testing is a critical activity to ensure that software complies with its specification and guarantee for delivering high quality products. However, there are a number of challenges to be faced as new software domains are created. Although there are some works in the literature that explore the application of software testing practices specific to the context of Virtual Reality (VR), these works tend to reflect only the researcher's point of view, leaving aside the players involved in the VR development process, contributing to a gap that makes it difficult to popularize such practices. Aiming to reduce this gap, this paper presents an analysis under the perception of stakeholders involved in the process of developing and using VR applications. We conducted a survey with 88 respondents, comprising different roles, interviewed during a virtual reality scientific conference and later complemented by electronic dissemination, reaching five different profiles. The results showed that there is a major concern among all the interviewed profiles regarding the impact of faults in VR applications. In addition, we investigated these results in both software and hardware aspects. The results related to software pointed to a greater concern of the players regarding visual aspects and non-functional requirements. As for hardware- related aspects, the biggest concern is related to limitations in mechanisms that are responsible for providing input data to applications.
Palavras-chave: software testing, virtual reality, validation
ANDRADE, Stevão; QUEVEDO, Alvaro Joffre; NUNES, Fatima; DELAMARO, Márcio. Understanding VR Software Testing Needs from Stakeholders? Points of View. In: SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 22. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 317-326.