Juxtopia® CAMMRAD PREPARE: Wearable AI AR Platform for Clinical Training Emergency First Response Teams
A Juxtopia® Open-Wear research team collaborated with the Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute (MFRI) to test how the Juxtopia® artificial intelligent (AI) wearable augmented reality (AR) intervention may better deliver a hands-free clinical training intervention to firefighter Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) and prepare them for effective response to hazmat incidences. During a controlled study, human subjects participated in a minimal risk research (i.e., both as victims or caregivers) in which firefighter EMTs participated in a simulated training exercise that mimicked their real-world operations. During the study, there were two testing days. Day one included (10) victims and (20) caregivers who participated in a full day of training and familiarized themselves with wearable augmented reality (AR) Head Mounted Display (HMD) and a Juxtopia® Virtual Tutor (JVT) software application, which is derived from the Juxtopia® Intelligent Virtual Instructor (JiVi) platform. Day two of the study included full dress out of both the (10) victims and the (20) caregivers to include the application of moulage injuries for the victims, and caregivers using the Juxtopia® CAMMRAD PREPARE system to administer clinical skills on patient actors. This paper discusses the research methods and results.
augmented reality, EMT, paramedic, clinical, firefighter, artificial intelligence
Como Citar
DOSWELL, Jayfus; MOSBY, Aaron; JOHNSON, Justin; SALAAM, Saboor; BROCKINGTON, Brandon; CHINERY, Arthur.
Juxtopia® CAMMRAD PREPARE: Wearable AI AR Platform for Clinical Training Emergency First Response Teams. In: SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 22. , 2020, Evento Online.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 423-427.