Spring Stepper: A Seated VR Locomotion Controller

  • Christopher Carmichael Ontario Tech University
  • Marco Valdez Balderas Ontario Tech University
  • Bill Ko Ontario Tech University
  • Atiya Nova Ontario Tech University
  • Angela Tabafunda Ontario Tech University
  • Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo Ontario Tech University


Consumer-level virtual reality (VR) locomotion has been gaining momentum with research focused on omnidirectional unlimited techniques in one place employing image processing, inertial sensors in mobile devices, redirected walking, and body tracking for hands-free locomotion while seated or standing. The affordability of current VR technologies has increased its user install base, thus requiring novel, creative and more effective forms of locomotion other than teleportation that can help users make the most of reduced spaces for walk-in-place. This paper presents the Spring Stepper, a seated virtual reality locomotion prototype for walking in place. Finally, a preliminary study on usability and task completion was conducted comparing it against the 3D Rudder, a commercial off-the-shelf walking in place controller for Desktop VR and Playstation 4. Results indicate that the Spring Stepper was not perceived as usable with a System Usability Score of 65.26/100 in comparison with the teleportation, which obtained a score of 86.03. Interestingly, the Spring Stepper was better perceived with the 3D Rudder. In terms of time completion and task accuracy, the Spring Stepper was outperformed by the other technique. Despite these results, we believe that the stepping interactive mechanics of the Spring Stepper prototype caused slower and less accurate interactions, but had the most impact on users who preferred.
Palavras-chave: Locomotion, virtual reality, walk in place
CARMICHAEL, Christopher; BALDERAS, Marco Valdez; KO, Bill; NOVA, Atiya; TABAFUNDA, Angela; URIBE-QUEVEDO, Alvaro. Spring Stepper: A Seated VR Locomotion Controller. In: SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 22. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 453-457.