Serious Game for Upper Limb Amputees Rehabilitation

  • Reidner Santos Cavalcante UFU
  • Edgard Lamounier UFU
  • Alcimar Soares UFU
  • Alexandre Cardoso UFU
  • Gerson Mendes de Lima UFU


This work presents a Virtual Reality training environment for upper limb amputees. Based on principles of a serious game, the training environment aims to teach the patient how to control a virtual prosthesis, that lately, will be printed and attached to his forearm. Using a tether with different sensors the patient can interact with the virtual environment. The training protocols were provided by health-care professionals and the interaction technology was developed under their supervision, to ensure high levels of mobility and comfort for the user that are attached to the remaining forearm of the amputee. It was applied a questionnaire that evaluates several points of the game. It was observed that the methods and techniques used for the development of the serious game were shown to be consistent and adequate for the proposed goal.
Palavras-chave: Virtual Environment, Training, Amputees, Rehabilitation, Upper limbs


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CAVALCANTE, Reidner Santos; LAMOUNIER, Edgard; SOARES, Alcimar; CARDOSO, Alexandre; DE LIMA, Gerson Mendes. Serious Game for Upper Limb Amputees Rehabilitation. In: XR EXPERIENCE - SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 22. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 73-74. DOI: