Crime Scene – VR: Immersive Learning Experience on Criminal Forensics


This work aimed to develop an immersive experience simulating an authentic criminal forensics situation and observe student perceptions. A detailed pre-production phase created the VR scenario using a real case for reference. The experience was built with Unreal Engine and was applied in a postgraduate course. All respondents found the experience immersive and motivating, aiding their learning. Minor usability issues were reported, but no significant adverse effects like nausea or dizziness occurred.
Palavras-chave: Immersive Learning, Virtual reality, Criminal forensics, Student engagement


Guido Makransky and Gustav B. Petersen. 2021. The Cognitive Affective Model of Immersive Learning (CAMIL): a Theoretical Research-Based Model of Learning in Immersive Virtual Reality. Educational Psychology Review, 33(3): 937–958.
SILVA, Felipe Cortizo E.; CUSTODIO, Patrícia R. P.; GOULART, Adriana da Silva; SPRICIGO, Cinthia B.. Crime Scene – VR: Immersive Learning Experience on Criminal Forensics. In: XR EXPERIENCE - SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 26. , 2024, Manaus/AM. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 17-18. DOI: