Using Gameplay and Players Data to Recommend Strategies to Reduce Cybersickness
Virtual Reality (VR) is an upcoming trend in games and entertainment applications as the use of head-mounted displays becomes accessible for the mass market. These systems aim to provide immersive experiences, but they still do not provide a completely seamless experience, mostly due to sickness symptoms that can be experienced by the players. Cybersickness (CS) is one of the most critical problems that make the game industry fearful for higher investments. In this work, we made a critical study on the theories and causes of CS in virtual environments. We unified in a paper most of the leading hardware and software proposals to identify, quantify and minimize the main sickness problems. We also provide clarification about the most relevant measurement tools used to quantify the level of sickness for one or more players through specific questionnaires. We also developed a demo plugin for a commercial game engine to collect relevant data in a VR game to use as a database to future research approaches to enhance user experience in head-mounted displays.
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