POSTER: Augmented Situated Visualization for Spatially Aware Decision-Making

  • Renan Guarese UFRGS
  • Henrique Fensterseifer UFRGS
  • João Becker UFRGS
  • Anderson Maciel UFRGS
  • Luciana Nedel UFRGS
  • Marcelo Walter UFRGS


The present work proposes the use of data visu-alization techniques allied to an Augmented Reality (AR) user interface to provide information for users to define the most convenient location to sit down at an event. This accounts for different sets of arbitrary demands by projecting 3D information directly atop the seats. The users can also rearrange the data to narrow down the search and switch the attribute being displayed, e.g. temperature, stage visibility, exit access or Wi-Fi signal. The proposed approach was tested against a comparable 2D interactive visualization of the same data. Each user performed twelve location choosing tasks in an average sized classroom. Qualitative and quantitative data indicated that the augmented solution is promising in some senses, exposing that AR may help users to make better decisions.


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GUARESE, Renan; FENSTERSEIFER, Henrique; BECKER, João; MACIEL, Anderson; NEDEL, Luciana; WALTER, Marcelo. POSTER: Augmented Situated Visualization for Spatially Aware Decision-Making. In: DEMOS & PÔSTERES - SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 21. , 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 35-36. DOI: