Interação na Web Social: Conhecendo as necessidades dos usuários de Aplicações Móveis (Apps) por meio das Avaliações das Apps (Apps Reviews)

  • Maria Ivanilse Calderon Ribeiro UFAM
  • Josiane Rodrigues da Silva UFAM


The growing use of mobile applications (apps) presents a scenario in the Mobile Software Ecosystem (MSECO) with users who are increasingly demanding and attentive to new needs. These users interact on the social web through app evaluations they perform daily, and consequently produce large amounts of data, often unused. In this context, the difference in knowing information from app users' evaluations (apps reviews) supports the needs of the target audience of these applications. This work presents exploratory and initial research for extracting information from the most frequently used app reviews in different categories extracted from the Google Play app store. The objective is to know and analyze information from this type of data repository to support new knowledge about the interaction of users with regard to the service offered through the app. In this work, we analyzed 88,130 reviews applications for the extraction of representative data and capable of presenting topics related to the service offered through the app in the context of this work. The results obtained show that there is evidence of information to be extracted and considered to better meet the users' needs.
Palavras-chave: MSECO, Use, Apps reviews
RIBEIRO, Maria Ivanilse Calderon; SILVA, Josiane Rodrigues da. Interação na Web Social: Conhecendo as necessidades dos usuários de Aplicações Móveis (Apps) por meio das Avaliações das Apps (Apps Reviews). In: WORKSHOP SOBRE ASPECTOS DA INTERAÇÃO HUMANO-COMPUTADOR NA WEB SOCIAL (WAIHCWS), 8. , 2017, Joinville. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 36-47. ISSN 2596-0296.