Approach of immersive adaptive learning for Virtual Reality simulator

  • Alieski Véliz Vega UCI
  • Omar Correa Madrigal UCI
  • Vlada Kugurakova KFU


The need to improve teaching-learning processes promotes the development of Virtual Reality applications with adaptive learning approaches. Adaptive learning considers the premise that each person learns differently, at their own pace, considering the characteristics of the student. This paper describes the main components of an immersive adaptive learning approach for Virtual Reality simulators.
Palavras-chave: Immersive adaptive learning, Virtual Reality, Simulator


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VEGA, Alieski Véliz; MADRIGAL, Omar Correa; KUGURAKOVA, Vlada. Approach of immersive adaptive learning for Virtual Reality simulator. In: WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS AND EDUCATION (WAVE), 3. , 2020, Fortaleza. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 1-8. DOI: