Acentua Fácil: A system to support Brazilian Portuguese Accentuation

  • Gabriella Selbach Staniecki UFPel
  • Larissa de Freitas Astrogildo UFPel
  • Tiago Thompsen Primo UFPel


The main objective of Acentua Facil is to assist students in the writing ´ process and teachers in the learning process. This article presents a system to aid the accentuation process for Brazilian Portuguese. The input of the system is texts. These texts are analyzed through the use of grammatical rules and artificial intelligence(IA) techniques such as tokenization. For each word in the text, we show the graphic accentuation errors, together with explanations of how it should be a correct word.From the results we were able to use some validation metrics, such as histograms and confusion matrix, both of which are used when working with AI.

Palavras-chave: Brazilian Portuguese, Accentuation, Application


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STANIECKI, Gabriella Selbach; ASTROGILDO, Larissa de Freitas; PRIMO, Tiago Thompsen. Acentua Fácil: A system to support Brazilian Portuguese Accentuation. In: WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS AND EDUCATION (WAVE), 3. , 2020, Fortaleza. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 17-24. DOI: