The use of meeting tools to make an online event: The CTRL+E experience

  • Elizabet M. Spohr de Medeiros UFPB
  • Kely D. V. Villacorta UFPB
  • Felipe A. G. Moreno UFPB
  • Artur I. A. Salviano UFPB
  • Matheus Gomes Silva UFPB
  • João Victor Pedrosa UFPB
  • Daniel de Queiroz Cavalcanti UFPB
  • Matheus W. T. Nascimento UFPB


This article describes the experience acquired in the use of tools for recording remote meetings, video editing and transmissions used in the execution of CTRL+E 2020, transforming it into a 100% online event.

Palavras-chave: Online meeting, Tools, CTRL E


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Spohr de Medeiros, E.M., Villacorta, K. D. V., Moreno, F. A.G., Salviano, A. I. A., Silva, M. G., Pedrosa, J. V., Cavalcanti, D. Q. and Nascimento, M. W. T. (2020). “Manual de procedimentos de Gravação para o CTRL+E 2020”.

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MEDEIROS, Elizabet M. Spohr de; VILLACORTA, Kely D. V.; MORENO, Felipe A. G.; SALVIANO, Artur I. A.; SILVA, Matheus Gomes; PEDROSA, João Victor; CAVALCANTI, Daniel de Queiroz; NASCIMENTO, Matheus W. T.. The use of meeting tools to make an online event: The CTRL+E experience. In: WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS AND EDUCATION (WAVE), 3. , 2020, Fortaleza. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 25-30. DOI: