Notions of Independence: Examples and Properties


We analyze the notions of independence of a set of postulates, proposed by G. Peano, E. H. Moore, A. Church and F. Harary, together with a presumably new notion inspired by H. M. Sheffer. For each of these notions, we present a proper definition and give illustrative examples. We give a complete picture of the implications between these notions of independence. Then, we make some additional observations that shed some light on these notions and some concepts related to them.
Palavras-chave: Independence of axioms, Primality, Irredundance, Complete independence, Absolute independence


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BANDEIRA, Bruno; CERIOLI, Márcia R.; VIANA, Petrucio. Notions of Independence: Examples and Properties. In: WORKSHOP BRASILEIRO DE LÓGICA (WBL), 2. , 2021, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 25-32. ISSN 2763-8731. DOI: